#################################################### diffpy.utils documentation #################################################### diffpy.utils - general purpose shared utilities for the diffpy libraries. | Software version |release|. | Last updated |today|. The diffpy.utils package provides general functions for extracting data from variously formatted text files as well as some PDF-specific functionality. These include wx GUI utilities used by the PDFgui program and an interpolation function based on the Whittaker-Shannon formula for resampling a bandlimited PDF or other profile function. ======== Examples ======== Illustrations of when and how one would use various diffpy.utils functions. * :ref:`File Data Extraction` * :ref:`Resampling & Data Reconstruction` ======= Authors ======= diffpy.utils is developed by members of the Billinge Group at Columbia University and at Brookhaven National Laboratory including Pavol Juhás, Timur Davis, Christopher L. Farrow, Simon J.L. Billinge. For a detailed list of contributors see https://github.com/diffpy/diffpy.utils/graphs/contributors. ====================================== Installation ====================================== See the `README `_ file included with the distribution. ====================================== Table of contents ====================================== .. toctree:: :titlesonly: license release Examples Package API ====================================== Indices ====================================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`