Package diffpy :: Package srrietveld :: Module pattern :: Class ExcludedRegion
[frames] | no frames]

Class ExcludedRegion

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                       object --+        
refinementdata.hdf5.object.Object --+    
   refinementdata.refinable.Refinable --+

This is a script interface of the excluded region, with access functions to the begin and end parameters in the object

Instance Methods
__init__(self, owner, name=None, handle=None, formula=None, variables=None, shape=None)
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Get the begin values of the excluded region
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Get the end values of the excluded region
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Get the engine type for this refinement
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Inherited from refinementdata.refinable.Refinable: addHistory, addHistoryByPath, addSigma, addSigmaByPath, findRefinement, getHistory, getHistoryByPath, getSigma, getSigmaByPath, listHistories, listRefined, loadLocalObjects, removeHistory, update

Inherited from refinementdata.hdf5.object.Object: addObject, copy, copyMeta, delete, exportFile, get, getAttr, getByPath, getFlatIndex, getMetaData, getMultiDimIndex, getObject, getPyObj, hasAttr, hasMeta, importFile, isDescendant, list, listAttrs, listNames, listObjects, load, loadLocalData, loadObject, move, range, readStr, removeObject, rename, repeat, replicate, reshape, save, set, setAttr, setByPath, setLabels, setPyObj, unset, unsetAttr, writeStr

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from refinementdata.hdf5.object.Object: labels, name, ndim, path

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, owner, name=None, handle=None, formula=None, variables=None, shape=None)

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  • owner (a data project) - the owner, which is usually a refinement.
  • handle (a HDF5Handle object) - a HDF5Handle pointing to the underlying HDF5 node.
  • formula (string) - a string of the function definition in C style
  • variables (a space separated string) - a space separated string of all variables

    A name is passed to the initialization method when creating a node.

    A handle is passed to the inialization method in two cases:

    1. when loading from a HDF5 file;
    2. when creating a HDF5 file but the object is a hard link to a preexisiting one.

    In the case when both name and handle are given, name will be simply ignored. In the case when neither name nor handle is given, an exception will be raised.

    Generally, in the scripting interface, users do not have to call this constructor directly

  • name (string @param name the name of the pattern)
Overrides: object.__init__


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Get the begin values of the excluded region

begin values


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Get the end values of the excluded region

end values


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Get the engine type for this refinement

the string of the engine type, for example "gsas" or "fullprof"