Package diffpy :: Package srrietveld :: Module refinement :: Class Refinement
[frames] | no frames]

Class Refinement

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                       object --+            
refinementdata.hdf5.object.Object --+        
   refinementdata.refinable.Refinable --+    
     refinementdata.refinement.Refinement --+

The refinement (fit) class for SrRietveld. A refinement object contains information for a series of single refinement. It contains the subobjects such as the Pattern, Profile, and Contribution.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, owner, name=None, handle=None, shape=None)
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addParamToStrategy(self, datapath, step=None)
Add a parameter to strategy.
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dumpDataFile(self, directory, index, bankid=0)
Dump the datafile for refinement in index
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dumpEngineFile(self, directory, index, basename=None)
dump the engine file to the directory
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dumpFileFromDataset(self, directory, ds, index, basename=None)
dump the files in pattern objects, such as Datafile, MFIL, and Instrumentfile
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dumpFiles(self, directory, index)
Dump the files for refinement, including all the files needed to run the refinement (datafile, instrument file, incident spectrum file, engine file)
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dumpIncidentSpectrumFile(self, directory, index=0, bankid=0)
Dump the incident spectrum file (MFIL, only in EXP files for GSAS)
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dumpInstrumentFile(self, directory, index=0, bankid=0)
Dump the instrument file into a folder.
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findFileFromDataset(self, ds, index)
Try to find the file from the information in the dataset
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Get the chi square values of the refinement
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getDataFileFromPattern(self, index, bankid=0, rootname=None)
Get a data file object from the numpy array saved in Pattern
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get the extension name of the engine file for this fit
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Get the engine type for this refinement
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getInvolvedDatapaths(self, step=None)
Get the refined parameters.
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Get the name of the refinement
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Get the number of cycles of the refinement
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Get the number of patterns in the refinement
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Get number of phases in the refinement
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getOneStepStrategy(self, type='Rietveld')
Combine the strategy steps into one step, so the refinement can run this strategy step and skep running through the steps
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getParamListForStrategy(self, datapath)
Handling different mechanisms for different engines.
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getPhaseByName(self, name)
Get the phase object by its name
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isParamTurnedOn(self, datapath, step=None)
check if the dataset is included in the strategy
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List the environment parameter names on which the refinements are organized.
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List the environment parameter objects on which the refinements are organized.
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List the Pattern objects in the refinement
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Return a list of phase names in the refinement
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List the Phase objects in the refinement
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Get a list of Profile objects in the refinement
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loadDataFile(self, datafile, index=0, bankid=0)
load the data file to the project
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loadIncidentSpectrumFile(self, mfil, index=0, bankid=0)
Load the incident spectrum file path into the object
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loadInstrumentFile(self, instrumentfile, index=0, bankid=0)
load the instrument file path to the pattern instrumentfile - the abs path to the instrument file
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loadStrategyFile(self, fullpath)
load the strategy from a text file
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removeParamFromStrategy(self, datapath, step=None)
remove parameter from the strategy
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saveEngineFile(self, enginefile, index=0)
Save the engine file content to the datasets
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saveFilePathToDataset(self, absPath, ds, index=0, basepath=None)
Save the absolute file path to the dataset
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setStrategy(self, strategylist)
Set the strategy to refinement object
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writeStrateyFile(self, fullpath)
write the strategy to a local file
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Inherited from refinementdata.refinement.Refinement: addPattern, addStructure, checkStatus, getStatus, isFinished, isRunning, isSubmitted, loadLocalData, removePattern, removeStructure, resetStatus, setStatus

Inherited from refinementdata.refinable.Refinable: addHistory, addHistoryByPath, addSigma, addSigmaByPath, findRefinement, getHistory, getHistoryByPath, getSigma, getSigmaByPath, listHistories, listRefined, loadLocalObjects, removeHistory, update

Inherited from refinementdata.hdf5.object.Object: addObject, copy, copyMeta, delete, exportFile, get, getAttr, getByPath, getFlatIndex, getMetaData, getMultiDimIndex, getObject, getPyObj, hasAttr, hasMeta, importFile, isDescendant, list, listAttrs, listNames, listObjects, load, loadObject, move, range, readStr, removeObject, rename, repeat, replicate, reshape, save, set, setAttr, setByPath, setLabels, setPyObj, unset, unsetAttr, writeStr

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables

Inherited from refinementdata.refinement.Refinement: ERROR, FINISHED, NORMAL, RUNNING, SUBMITTED

Get the number of strategy steps
Get the strategy list from the fit object

Inherited from refinementdata.hdf5.object.Object: labels, name, ndim, path

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, owner, name=None, handle=None, shape=None)

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Overrides: object.__init__

addParamToStrategy(self, datapath, step=None)

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Add a parameter to strategy. The included parameters will be turned on in the refinement.

  • datapath (string) - the dataset signature path to be added to the strategy
  • step (integer) - the step of the strategy to which the parameter will be added
    • None, the parameter will be added to all steps
    • step >= total number of existing steps, a new step will be added to the strategy list. The new step includes the new parameter, and all previously included parameters
    • 0 <= step < total number of existing steps, the new parameter will be added to the step
no return value

dumpDataFile(self, directory, index, bankid=0)

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Dump the datafile for refinement in index

  • directory (directory path string) - the directory where the data files will be saved
  • index (integer or tuple) - the index of the single refinement
  • bankid (integer) - the bank id of the pattern to look for
the list of data file path saved, listed same as the bank number if the file is not found or not set, the item is None

dumpEngineFile(self, directory, index, basename=None)

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dump the engine file to the directory

  • directory (directory path string) - the directory where the file will be saved
  • index (integer or tuple) - the data index of the engine file
  • basename (string) - the file name of the engine file
the path of the engine file

dumpFileFromDataset(self, directory, ds, index, basename=None)

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dump the files in pattern objects, such as Datafile, MFIL, and Instrumentfile

  • ds (a Dataset object) - the dataset stores the file path information
  • basename (string) - if defined, will be used as the file name @return - the paths of the dumped new file
  • directory (directory path string @param directory - the directory where the file will be saved)
  • index (integer or tuple @param index - the index in the dataset)

dumpFiles(self, directory, index)

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Dump the files for refinement, including all the files needed to run the refinement (datafile, instrument file, incident spectrum file, engine file)

  • directory (directory path string) - the directory where the files will be saved
  • index (integer or tuple) - the index of the refinement to dump
no return value

dumpIncidentSpectrumFile(self, directory, index=0, bankid=0)

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Dump the incident spectrum file (MFIL, only in EXP files for GSAS)

  • directory (directory path string) - the directory where the file will be saved
  • index (integer or tuple) - the index of the dataset
  • bankid (integer) - the bank id of the pattern to look for
the new path of the saved file

dumpInstrumentFile(self, directory, index=0, bankid=0)

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Dump the instrument file into a folder. Usually the instrument files are the same for all data set.

  • directory (directory path string) - the directory where the file will be moved to
  • index (integer or tuple) - the index of the dataset, default to be the first in the list
  • bankid (integer) - the bank id of the pattern to look for
the new path of the instrument file

findFileFromDataset(self, ds, index)

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Try to find the file from the information in the dataset

  • ds (a Dataset object) - the dataset which stores the file path information
  • index (integer or tuple) - the index in the dataset
the file absolute path if the file is found, None otherwise


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Get the chi square values of the refinement

the chi square values of the refinement

getDataFileFromPattern(self, index, bankid=0, rootname=None)

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Get a data file object from the numpy array saved in Pattern

  • index (integer or tuple) - the index of the single refinement
  • bankid (integer) - the bank id of the pattern to look for
  • rootname (string) - the rootname of the data file, which is the file name without the extension
a Datafile object


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get the extension name of the engine file for this fit

string of file extension, for example "EXP" or "pcr"


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Get the engine type for this refinement

the string of the engine type, for example "gsas" or "fullprof"

getInvolvedDatapaths(self, step=None)

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Get the refined parameters. The datasets ever included in the strategy list will be listed. The order of the datasets when they turned on is ignored

  • step (integer) - the strategy step, if step is a valid integer, then get the datasets in that step; if none, get all the datasets in all steps
the a list of Dataset objects


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Get the name of the refinement

the refinement name


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Get the number of cycles of the refinement

the chi square values of the refinement


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Get the number of patterns in the refinement

number of patterns


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Get number of phases in the refinement

number of phases

getOneStepStrategy(self, type='Rietveld')

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Combine the strategy steps into one step, so the refinement can run this strategy step and skep running through the steps

  • type (string) - the type of the refinement, default to be Rietveld. Possible value can be "Rietveld" or "LeBail"
the one step strategy list

getParamListForStrategy(self, datapath)

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Handling different mechanisms for different engines. For example, for gsas, some parameters such as all background parameters have to be added or removed all together. Also the lattice parameters have to be combined in GSAS as well.

  • datapath (string) - the data path, which denotes the ownership tree of a dataset. It reads as Pattern[0].Back[0], Phase[0].Atom[1].x, or Phase[0].a
a list of paths of the parameter data object that should be combined with the passed in datapath

getPhaseByName(self, name)

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Get the phase object by its name

  • name (string) - the phase name to obtain
the phase object with the name if exists. None if no such phase object. The program will emit a warning if duplicate phase names exist, and the first phase obj with the same name will be returned

isParamTurnedOn(self, datapath, step=None)

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check if the dataset is included in the strategy

  • datapath (string) - the signature path string of the data. For ordinary data, just dataset.path for data with extra index, its dataset.path + '[%i]' % extraindex
  • step (integer) - the strategy step to be investigate. If None, return True if the dataset is included in any step
True if the dataset is included, False otherwise


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List the environment parameter names on which the refinements are organized. For example, the temperature or pressure series

the environment parameter names


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List the environment parameter objects on which the refinements are organized. For example, the temperature or pressure series

a list of environment parameter objects


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List the Pattern objects in the refinement

a list of patterns


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Return a list of phase names in the refinement

a list of phase names


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List the Phase objects in the refinement

a list of phases


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Get a list of Profile objects in the refinement

a list of Profile objects

loadDataFile(self, datafile, index=0, bankid=0)

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load the data file to the project

  • datafile (file path string) - the data file absolute path
  • index (integer or tuple) - the index of the single refinement
  • bankid (integer) - the bank id of the pattern, default to be 0
no return value

loadIncidentSpectrumFile(self, mfil, index=0, bankid=0)

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Load the incident spectrum file path into the object

  • mfil (file path string) - the abs path of the incident spectrum file MFIL
  • index (the index of the single refinement) - integer or tuple
  • bankid (integers) - the bank id of the pattern
no return value

loadInstrumentFile(self, instrumentfile, index=0, bankid=0)

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load the instrument file path to the pattern instrumentfile - the abs path to the instrument file

  • index (integer or tuple) - the index of the single refinement
  • bankid (integer or tuple) - the bankid of the pattern
no return value

loadStrategyFile(self, fullpath)

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load the strategy from a text file

  • fullpath (file path string) - the stratey file path
no return value

removeParamFromStrategy(self, datapath, step=None)

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remove parameter from the strategy

  • datapath (string) - the data signature path to be removed from the strategy
  • step (integer) - the strategy step.
    • None, will remove the strategy from all steps
    • 0 <= step < total number of existing steps, the new parameter will be removed from the step
no return value

saveEngineFile(self, enginefile, index=0)

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Save the engine file content to the datasets

  • enginefile (filepath string) - the engine file path
  • index (integer or tuple) - the index of the single refinement
no return value

saveFilePathToDataset(self, absPath, ds, index=0, basepath=None)

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Save the absolute file path to the dataset

  • ds (Dataset object) - the dataset to store the file path information
  • index (integer or tuple) - the index of the dataset
  • absPath (file path string) - the absolute path of the data file
  • basepath (directory path string) - the basepath used to determine the relative path, the project.basepath will be used if basepath None
no return value

setStrategy(self, strategylist)

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Set the strategy to refinement object

  • strategylist (list) - a list with strategy steps
no return value

writeStrateyFile(self, fullpath)

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write the strategy to a local file

  • fullpath (file path string) - the file path to write to
no return value

Property Details


Get the number of strategy steps

Get Method:
unreachable.numStrategySteps(self) - Get the number of strategy steps


Get the strategy list from the fit object

Get Method:
unreachable.strategy(self) - Get the strategy list from the fit object