Package diffpy :: Package srrietveld :: Module project :: Class Project
[frames] | no frames]

Class Project

source code

                       object --+        
refinementdata.hdf5.object.Object --+    
       refinementdata.project.Project --+

Project class defines a SrRietveld refinement project. It consists of a number of single refinements. A project can call different Rietveld engines to run its refinements.

A project object contains the list of refinemenets, and list of jobs.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, path, mode='a', mainframe=None)
Create a SrRietveld project from saved project data file.
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addJob(self, job)
Add a job to the job list of the project
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addToZip(self, zipFilePath)
Archive the project data file, and other associated files, such as the histogram files, instrument files, and incident spectrum files into a zip folder.
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Close the opened project.
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deleteJob(self, job)
Delete job from the job list
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exportEngineFit(self, refinementObj, index=None)
Build an engine fit based on given fit and index.
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getRefinementByName(self, name)
Get the refinement object by its name
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Read the data files and instrument files into the pattern objects
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importEngineFile(self, fullpath, refinementObjName=None)
Import an engine file (EXP or pcr files).
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importEngineFit(self, enginefit, name, fullpath, index=None)
Import an engine Fit object.
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importProject(self, projPath)
Import the refinements from another project file.
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listParams(self, obj, recursively=False, excluded=[])
List all parameters in an object.
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Different from the methdo listRefinemetns, this function will return a list of names of the refinements
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plot(self, ydatasets, xdataset=None, xlabel='')
Make a plot of selected Dataset objects
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plotHistory(self, datasets)
Make a plot of the historic values of selected parameters.
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plotPatterns(self, objects)
Make a quick plot of patterns.
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saveToDisk(self, fullpath)
Save the project data to local drive.
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updateFit(self, fitrt)
Update the fit data with an fit object.
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Update the histogram and instrument file paths saved in the project
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updatePlot(self, index=None)
Update all plots based the data in the project
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verifyFitName(self, fitName)
Compare the fitname with existing names of refienments in the project.
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Inherited from refinementdata.project.Project: add, addRefinement, listRefinements, removeRefinement

Inherited from refinementdata.hdf5.object.Object: addObject, copy, copyMeta, delete, exportFile, get, getAttr, getByPath, getFlatIndex, getMetaData, getMultiDimIndex, getObject, getPyObj, hasAttr, hasMeta, importFile, isDescendant, list, listAttrs, listNames, listObjects, load, loadLocalData, loadLocalObjects, loadObject, move, range, readStr, removeObject, rename, repeat, replicate, reshape, save, set, setAttr, setByPath, setLabels, setPyObj, unset, unsetAttr, writeStr

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from refinementdata.hdf5.object.Object: labels, name, ndim, path

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, path, mode='a', mainframe=None)

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Create a SrRietveld project from saved project data file.

  • path (file path string) - the path of the project data file. If it does not exist, an empty project will be created.
  • mode (one character string, possible value r, w, a) - the mode to open the project.
    • r -- read,
    • w -- write,
    • a -- append
  • mainframe (the main frame object) - the pointer to the main window in the GUI object set to be None in script mode
Overrides: object.__init__

addJob(self, job)

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Add a job to the job list of the project

  • job (a Job object) - a refinement job to be added
no return value

addToZip(self, zipFilePath)

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Archive the project data file, and other associated files, such as the histogram files, instrument files, and incident spectrum files into a zip folder.

  • zipFilePath (zip file path string) - the full path to save the zip file
no return value


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Close the opened project.

no return value
Overrides: refinementdata.project.Project.close

deleteJob(self, job)

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Delete job from the job list

  • job (a job object) - the job to be deleted
no return value

exportEngineFit(self, refinementObj, index=None)

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Build an engine fit based on given fit and index.

  • refinementObj (a diffpy.refinementdata.Refinement object or its derivatives) - a refinement usually contains a series of single refinements The information will be read from this object to construct a engine fit, which contains information for a single step refinement
  • index (tuple or int) - the index of the single refinement in the refinementObj a tuple represents the index in a multidimensinal data if the refinementObj is one dimensional, index can be an integer
an engine fit object

getRefinementByName(self, name)

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Get the refinement object by its name

  • name (string) - the refinement name to get
the refinement object with the name, None if there is no such refinement object. If there are duplicate names, the first refinement object with this name will be returned, and the program with emit a warning


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Read the data files and instrument files into the pattern objects

no return value

importEngineFile(self, fullpath, refinementObjName=None)

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Import an engine file (EXP or pcr files). A refinement will be created based on the data in the imported engine file.

  • fullpath (file path string) - the full file path of the engine file to be imported
  • refinementObjName (string) - the proposed name of the refinement object to be created. If the refinementObjName is None, the engine file name will be used
no return value

importEngineFit(self, enginefit, name, fullpath, index=None)

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Import an engine Fit object. It is provided for backward compatiblity, namely when the fit is created using xml interface.

  • enginefit (an engine Fit object) - the engine fit, which contains all the information for one refinement for that engine (GSAS or FullProf)
  • name (string) - the name to be assigned to the new Fit object
  • fullpath (file path string) - the fullpath is used to locate the supplement files (data, instrument, engine files)
  • index () - the index to a Fit in a Fit array ( not applicable if shape is given )
the new Fit object

importProject(self, projPath)

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Import the refinements from another project file.

  • projPath (file path string) - the file path of the project to be imported.
no return value

listParams(self, obj, recursively=False, excluded=[])

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List all parameters in an object.

  • obj (a data object) - the object whose parameters to be listed
  • recursively (boolean) - if True, the parameters in the sub-objects will be included. False otherwise
  • excluded (a list of objects, whose child parameters should be excluded in the result)
a list of parameters (Dataset object).


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Different from the methdo listRefinemetns, this function will return a list of names of the refinements

the names of the refinements in this project

plot(self, ydatasets, xdataset=None, xlabel='')

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Make a plot of selected Dataset objects

  • ydatasets (a list of Dataset objects) - contains the list of y values in the plot
  • xdataset (a Dataset object) - the x values in the plot. If xdataset is None a list of consecutive integers will be used
the plot figure object

plotHistory(self, datasets)

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Make a plot of the historic values of selected parameters.

  • datasets (a list of Dataset objects) - the data to be plotted
no return value

plotPatterns(self, objects)

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Make a quick plot of patterns.

objects -- a list of selected objects

saveToDisk(self, fullpath)

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Save the project data to local drive.

  • fullpath (file path string) - the file path to save the project data
no return value

updateFit(self, fitrt)

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Update the fit data with an fit object.

  • fitrt - the run-time fit instance
no return value


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Update the histogram and instrument file paths saved in the project

no return value

updatePlot(self, index=None)

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Update all plots based the data in the project

  • index (tuple or int) - the index of the curve in the plot
no return value

verifyFitName(self, fitName)

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Compare the fitname with existing names of refienments in the project. A valid name will be returned.

  • All the dots (.) will be replaced with underscore (_)
  • The same refinement names will be surfixed with numbers with brakets such as Refinement, Refinement (1), Refinement (2)
  • fitName (string) - refinement name to be verified
If fitName is valid, return value will be the same as fitName; if fitName conains invalid characters or has duplications, a valid refinement name will be returned