Package diffpy :: Package srrietveld :: Module project
[frames] | no frames]

Module project

source code

This module contains the definition of the Project class. A SrRietveld Project object can be initiated from saved refinement project file, and the methods in this module can be used to access and manipulate the data file.

Project class defines a SrRietveld refinement project.
copyObjectData(srcobj, destobj, srcindexlist, destindexlist)
Copy data to another object.
source code
exportEngineObject(engineobjowner, key, myobj, index=None)
Export a saved HDF5Object to an engine object.
source code
importEngineObject(myobjowner, engineobj, id, index=None)
Import an engine object into myobject
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  __id__ = '$Id: 6735 2011-08-27 20:05:44Z yshang $'
  __package__ = 'diffpy.srrietveld'

Imports: Atom, DataError, ExcludedRegion, GLOBALS, Object, ObjectInfo, ObjectList, Pattern, Phase, Profile, ProjectData, Refinable, Refinement, SrrFileError, SrrIOError, UTILS, math, os, setObjectInfo, shutil, stat, tempfile, zipfile

Function Details

copyObjectData(srcobj, destobj, srcindexlist, destindexlist)

source code 

Copy data to another object.

srcobj -- the source object destobj -- the target parent object srcindexlist -- a list of indices to read data from srcobj destindexlist -- a list of indices to write data to destobj

exportEngineObject(engineobjowner, key, myobj, index=None)

source code 

Export a saved HDF5Object to an engine object.

  • engineobjowner (a data object) - the owner of the engine object
  • myobj (a refinement object) - the source refinement object
  • index (interger or tuple) - the index to the single value if the object is multiplexed
the newly created engine object

importEngineObject(myobjowner, engineobj, id, index=None)

source code 

Import an engine object into myobject

  • myobjowner (an data object) - the owner of the refinement object to be created
  • engineobj (an engine fit object) - the engine object to be imported
  • id (integer or string) - the name/index of the refinement object to be created/obtained in myobjowner
  • index (index or tuple) - when modify an object, indicate the index to the value to be modified

    return: the newly created local object